// Language: Spanish
$dfSiteName_l = "Citas con solteros mayores de 60 años"; // Singles Over 60 Dating
$df_member_login = "Inicio de sesión de los miembros"; // Member Login
$df_new_member_hdr = "Nuestros nuevos miembros..."; // Our newest members...
$txt_1 = "Mira quién más se acaba de unir"; // Look who else just joined
$txt_2 = "¿Aún no has empezado tu prueba de citas gratuita?"; // Not started your free dating trial yet?
$senior_dating_region = "citas-para-mayores-"; // senior-dating-London
// Registration form
$reg_header_l = "Comienza tu prueba gratuita de citas"; // Start your free dating trial
$your_gender_l = "Tu sexo"; // Your gender
$first_name_l = "Nombre de pila"; // First Name
$first_name_req_l = "Por favor, introduce tu nombre de pila"; // Please enter your first name
$email_address_l = "Dirección de correo electrónico"; // Email Address
$email_address_req_l = "Por favor, introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico"; // Please enter your email address
$date_of_birth_l = "Fecha de nacimiento"; // Date Of Birth
$date_of_birth_req_l = "Por favor, introduzca su fecha de nacimiento"; // Please enter your date of birth
$day_l = "Día"; // Day
$day_req_l = "Por favor, introduzca su día de nacimiento"; // Please enter your day of birth
$month_l = "Mes"; // Month
$month_req_l = "Por favor, introduzca su mes de nacimiento"; // Please enter your month of birth
$year_l = "Año"; // Year
$year_req_l = "Por favor, introduzca su año de nacimiento"; // Please enter your year of birth
$password_l = "Contraseña"; // Password
$password_req_l = "Por favor, elija una contraseña"; // Please choose a password
$man_l = "Hombre"; // Man
$woman_l = "Mujer"; // Woman
$man_seeking_woman = "Hombre busca mujer"; // Man seeking a woman
$woman_seeking_man = "Mujer busca hombre"; // Woman seeking a man
$man_seeking_man = "Hombre busca hombre"; // Man seeking a man
$woman_seeking_woman = "Mujer busca mujer"; // Woman seeking a woman
$i_am_a_man = "Soy un hombre"; // I am a man
$i_am_a_woman = "Soy una mujer"; // I am a woman
$agreement_l = "Tengo más de 18 años. He leído los Términos y condiciones, Política de privacidad y Política de cookies, los entiendo y acepto. También acepto recibir boletines de noticias por correo electrónico, actualizaciones de la cuenta, notificaciones y comunicaciones de otros perfiles, enviados por members.singlesover60.net.";
// I am over 18. I have read the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy und Cookie Policy, I understand & accept them. I also agree to receive email newsletters, account updates, notifications and communications from other profiles, sent by members.singlesover60.net. ----- missing slash before Coockie Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy
// Search Form
$search_for_free = "Buscar gratis"; // Search For Free
$I_am_a = "Soy un"; // I am a
$seeking = "Buscando"; // Seeking
$a_man = "un hombre"; // a man
$a_woman = "una mujer"; // a woman
$and = "y"; // and
$search = "Buscar en"; // Search
$browse_by_region = "Buscar por región"; // Browse By Region
$browse_by_city = "Buscar por ciudad"; // Browse By City
// More members
$men = "Hombres"; // Men
$women = "Mujeres"; // Women
// Footer
$ft_1a = "Condiciones del servicio"; // Terms of Service
$ft_1b = "Política de privacidad"; // Privacy Policy
$ft_1c = "Política de Cookies"; // Cookie Policy
$ft_1d = "Derechos de autor"; // Copyright
$ft_2hdr = "Enlaces rápidos"; // Quick Links
$ft_2a = "Únete gratis"; // Join For Free
$ft_2a_link = "comience-su-prueba-gratuita-de-60-citas-hoy-mismo"; // Start-your-free-60-dating-trial-today
$ft_2b = "Buscar en"; // Search
$ft_2b_link = "buscar-en"; // search
$ft_2c = "Iniciar sesión"; // Login
$ft_2d = "Ver mujeres solteras"; // View Single Women
$ft_2d_link = "mujeres-solteras-de-mas-de-60-anos"; // single-women-over-60
$ft_2e = "Ver hombres solteros"; // View Single Men
$ft_2e_link = "hombres-solteros-de-mas-de-60-anos"; // single-men-over-60
$ft_2d_r = "Ver mujeres solteras en"; // View Single Women In
$ft_2d_r_link = "mujeres-solteras-de-mas-de-60-anos-en-"; // single-women-over-60-in-London
$ft_2e_r = "Ver hombres solteros en"; // View Single Men In
$ft_2e_r_link = "hombres-solteros-de-mas-de-60-anos-en-"; // single-men-over-60-in-London
$ft_3hdr = "Más información"; // More Info
$ft_3a = "Seguridad en las citas"; // Dating Safety
$ft_3a_link = "seguridad-de-las-citas-en-linea-para-mayores"; // online-senior-dating-safety
$ft_3b = "Ayuda y asesoramiento"; // Help & Advice
$ft_3b_link = "ayuda-y-asesoramiento"; // help-and-advice
$ft_3c = "Restablecer contraseña"; // Reset Password
$ft_3d = "Ayuda para los miembros"; // Membership Help
$ft_3e = "Contacto"; // Contact Us
$ft_4hdr = "Alrededor del mundo"; // Around The World
// articles
$art_1 = "Ideas para la primera cita de los mayores"; // First Date Ideas For Seniors
$art_1_link = "ideas-para-la-primera-cita-para-personas-mayores"; // first-date-ideas-for-seniors
$art_2 = "Preguntas frecuentes"; // Frequently Asked Questions
$art_2_link = "preguntas_frecuentes"; // frequently-asked-questions
$art_3 = "Explicación de las citas en línea para solteros mayores de 60 años"; // Online Dating For Singles Over 60 Explained
$art_3_link = "acerca-de-60-dating-website"; // dating-for-the-over-60s
$art_4 = "Guía y consejos de citas para mayores de 60 años"; // Over 60 Dating Guide & Tips
$art_4_link = "guia-y-consejos-para-citas-de-mayores-de-60-anos"; // over-60-dating-guide-and-tips
$art_5= "Cómo escribir un buen perfil de citas para mayores de 60 años"; // Writing a good over 60s dating profile
$art_5_link = "escribir-un-buen-perfil-para-citas-de-mayores-de-60-anos"; // writing-a-good-60-dating-profile
$art_6= "Consejos para las fotos del perfil"; // Profile Photo Tips
$art_6_link = "consejos-para-la-foto-del-perfil-de-citas"; // dating-profile-photo-tips
$art_7= "Seguridad en las citas"; // Online Safety
$art_7_link = "seguridad-de-las-citas-en-linea-para-mayores"; // online-senior-dating-safety
$art_8= "Estafadores de citas, qué son, cómo detectarlos y qué hacer"; // Dating Scammers, what are they, how to spot them and what to do
$art_8_link = "decir-no-a-los-estafadores-de-citas"; // say-no-to-dating-scammers
// Regions
if ($region == "azuay") { $regionName = "Azuay"; $regionID = "2474"; }
elseif ($region == "bolivar") { $regionName = "Bolivar"; $regionID = "2655"; }
elseif ($region == "canar") { $regionName = "Canar"; $regionID = "2475"; }
elseif ($region == "carchi") { $regionName = "Carchi"; $regionID = "2672"; }
elseif ($region == "chimborazo") { $regionName = "Chimborazo"; $regionID = "3265"; }
elseif ($region == "cotopaxi") { $regionName = "Cotopaxi"; $regionID = "2851"; }
elseif ($region == "el-oro") { $regionName = "El Oro"; $regionID = "2464"; }
elseif ($region == "esmeraldas") { $regionName = "Esmeraldas"; $regionID = "3160"; }
elseif ($region == "francisco-de-orellana") { $regionName = "Francisco de Orellana"; $regionID = "3647"; }
elseif ($region == "galapagos") { $regionName = "Galapagos"; $regionID = "3035"; }
elseif ($region == "guayas") { $regionName = "Guayas"; $regionID = "2675"; }
elseif ($region == "imbabura") { $regionName = "Imbabura"; $regionID = "2853"; }
elseif ($region == "loja") { $regionName = "Loja"; $regionID = "2024"; }
elseif ($region == "los-rios") { $regionName = "Los Rios"; $regionID = "2857"; }
elseif ($region == "manabi") { $regionName = "Manabi"; $regionID = "2466"; }
elseif ($region == "morona-santiago") { $regionName = "Morona Santiago"; $regionID = "3533"; }
elseif ($region == "napo") { $regionName = "Napo"; $regionID = "2025"; }
elseif ($region == "pastaza") { $regionName = "Pastaza"; $regionID = "2870"; }
elseif ($region == "pichincha") { $regionName = "Pichincha"; $regionID = "3039"; }
elseif ($region == "sucumbios") { $regionName = "Sucumbios"; $regionID = "3041"; }
elseif ($region == "tungurahua") { $regionName = "Tungurahua"; $regionID = "3266"; }
elseif ($region == "zamora-chinchipe") { $regionName = "Zamora Chinchipe"; $regionID = "3565"; }
// Cities
elseif ($region == "ambato") { $regionName = "Ambato"; $regionID = "3266"; }
elseif ($region == "arajuno") { $regionName = "Arajuno"; $regionID = "2870"; }
elseif ($region == "azogues") { $regionName = "Azogues"; $regionID = "2475"; }
elseif ($region == "babahoyo") { $regionName = "Babahoyo"; $regionID = "2857"; }
elseif ($region == "bahia-de-caraquez") { $regionName = "Bahía de Caráquez"; $regionID = "2466"; }
elseif ($region == "banos-de-agua-santa") { $regionName = "Baños de Agua Santa"; $regionID = "3266"; }
elseif ($region == "cuenca") { $regionName = "Cuenca"; $regionID = "2474"; }
elseif ($region == "duran") { $regionName = "Durán"; $regionID = "2675"; }
elseif ($region == "esmeraldas") { $regionName = "Esmeraldas"; $regionID = "3160"; }
elseif ($region == "guaranda") { $regionName = "Guaranda"; $regionID = "2655"; }
elseif ($region == "guayaquil") { $regionName = "Guayaquil"; $regionID = "2675"; }
elseif ($region == "ibarra") { $regionName = "Ibarra"; $regionID = "2853"; }
elseif ($region == "la-libertad") { $regionName = "La Libertad"; $regionID = "2675"; }
elseif ($region == "latacunga") { $regionName = "Latacunga"; $regionID = "2851"; }
elseif ($region == "loja") { $regionName = "Loja"; $regionID = "2024"; }
elseif ($region == "macas") { $regionName = "Macas"; $regionID = "3533"; }
elseif ($region == "machala") { $regionName = "Machala"; $regionID = "2464"; }
elseif ($region == "manta") { $regionName = "Manta"; $regionID = "2466"; }
elseif ($region == "milagro") { $regionName = "Milagro"; $regionID = "2675"; }
elseif ($region == "nueva-loja") { $regionName = "Nueva Loja"; $regionID = "3041"; }
elseif ($region == "pinas") { $regionName = "Piñas"; $regionID = "2464"; }
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elseif ($region == "portoviejo") { $regionName = "Portoviejo"; $regionID = "2466"; }
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elseif ($region == "quito") { $regionName = "Quito"; $regionID = "3039"; }
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elseif ($region == "salinas") { $regionName = "Salinas"; $regionID = "2675"; }
elseif ($region == "santa-elena") { $regionName = "Santa Elena"; $regionID = "2675"; }
elseif ($region == "santo-domingo") { $regionName = "Santo Domingo"; $regionID = "3039"; }
elseif ($region == "shell-mera") { $regionName = "Shell Mera"; $regionID = "2870"; }
elseif ($region == "tulcan") { $regionName = "Tulcán"; $regionID = "2672"; }
Senior Dating in The UK
Start Your Free Account Today
UK Senior Dating, Made Easy For You
Register with Singles Over 60 today to meet single seniors that you really click with.
These Senior Singles Have Just Joined Too...
Finding Senior Singles near you
Senior dating websites should be simple and fun, which is why the team at Singles Over 60 work really hard to help you find love online, making the process as simple and fun as it could possibly be.
When it comes to using the Internet, age really isn't a barrier, in fact people such as yourself have taken to Googling and online shopping like fishes to water. So it's no surprise that senior singles have taken to finding long lasting relationships online too, using services such as ours.
It's your senior dating service, built for you
We don't want to bog you down with 50 levels of computerised matchmaking nonsense like some other sites do. Instead, we like you to feel in control of your own journey rather than a back seat spectator. Sure, when you join us, we will ask you a few simple questions about yourself, to help you write your profile for other senior singles to read, but that's it.
It's the human touch that makes our senior dating site that little bit better than the bigger less focused mainstream services. We let you find compatible partners by browsing local profiles, rather than us telling you things like "Here's Geoff. You’re 100% compatible with Geoff, because you're both Virgo's and you both dislike weeding". Nobody knows you better than you know yourself and you also know the type of person you are looking for, a computer doesn’t need to decide for you.
Popping your senior dating cherry
Now you know you're ready to put yourself out there and meet somebody special to start that brand new and exciting relationship, it's time to get started.
Sign up using the simple form above. It really does take only 60 seconds to join. Once your account is up and running and you start browsing other free senior singles, you'll realise just how much fun online dating really is. You can add those that catch your eye to your favourite list and contact them at your leisure. If you're a little shy and are struggling to break the ice, you can always send somebody a cheeky wink to at least crack the ice a little.
In no time at all you'll start receiving messages from like minded people wanting to get to know you a little better. Don't worry if you simply don't have time to answer everyone, they'll understand.